Innovating digital arts
In the years 2021-2023 we implemented the project “Innovating Digital Arts” (KEGA 006VŠVU-4/2021), during which we organized several workshops and seminars with local and foreign lecturers. We have also equipped our studio with modern technology at the disposal of our students.
After valuable inputs from our external lecturers, we have upgraded several of our courses to make them better connected to practice and more attractively taught.

Organized workshops, seminars and excursions:
- Procedural Design
Designers from the Slovak studio Subdigital demonstrated algorithmic solutions in architecture design. Martin Ilčík from the Austrian company Procedural Design presented the possibilities of using procedural algorithms in 3D modelling, music and video games. - Game development
The lectures of game designer and consultant Tatiana Zacharovská (Bored Monkey) and video game historian Silvestr Buček (Masaryk University in Brno) were complemented by two workshops: Conceptual game design by Tatiana Zacharovská and hands-on development in Unity by game developer Michal Ferko (PowerPlay studio, CrazyLabs). - Digital storytelling
International guests Selma Rizvić from the University of Sarajevo and Olivia Vane from the British weekly The Economist lectured on digital forms of storytelling and communicating news. A practical workshop on capturing worlds in a 360° camera was led by Bojan Mijatović from Digi.Ba. - Creative Programming
Boris Vitázek, an internationally successful Slovak digital artist, prepared a practical workshop on programming multimedia and interactive works in the vvvv tool as well as a lecture on the possibilities of working as a digital artist. - Digital Fabrication
We made an excursion connected with practical testing of technologies at Novota Art, a company that has won several awards for its arts and crafts activity in restoring monuments. They use a 5-axis CNC mill to digitally fabricate objects from wood. - Virtual reality
Petra Čížková, an intermedia artist using virtual reality, led a hands-on workshop on digital 3D painting in VR. Developers from Nefkus studio talked about the technical and creative challenges they encountered while developing the VR experience M.R.Štefánik – Time After Time.