
This page answers frequently asked questions about admissions to Digital Arts study program at AFAD. Don’t hesitate to contact us, either by email or personally, if you have further questions.

Official information about administrative procedure, deadlines and fees regarding AFAD admissions are available at AFAD website.

Who should apply for Digital Arts?

We are looking for applicants with an interest in technology, a desire to experiment, and will to learn lots of new things. We love it if you read books, are interested in culture and the arts, create things outside of school assignments, and have varied hobbies or passions.

It’s okay if you don’t have extensive craft experience with digital technologies. You’ll learn that while you’re in school. More important to us are original ideas, active approach to overcoming obstacles, the courage to try.

What is the admissions process like?

There are two rounds of admissions exams. The first round is online only. You will upload an overview of your previous work (portfolio), a short video introduction of yourself and the work you have created based on our assignment (homework).

Based on this, we will select the applicants for the second round, which will take place in person at our school. Over two days, you will complete 4 tasks and have an interview with us.

What do I need for the first round?

In addition to the application form and the necessary documents, you upload three things to our server in the first round:

  1. Homework. Every year we assign a new homework topic. On this topic, create your work according to how you interpret the topic, what it means to you. The form of the work can be practically any. From conventional paintings, to comics, 3D objects, 3D scenes, animations, to video game designs, interactive installations or virtual reality.
    Read How to create the homework.
  2. Videointroduction. In a short (max 3 minute) video, introduce yourself to us. Who you are and what you like to do, what interests you about art, what you do besides school, who or what inspires you… The video is not scored, but it helps us get to know you before we see you live in the second round.
    Read How to make videointroduction.
  3. Portfolio. Choose about 10 pieces of your artwork that represent you. The portfolio should be varied, not monotonous. Feel free to include current work in progress as well as older stuff. Rather than 10 equally perfect paintings, we want to see that you’re trying other mediums and genres, even if it’s far from perfect.
    Read How to prepare portfolio.

What do I need for the second round?

If you get accepted to the second round, we will see you in person at the AFAD. We will seat you in one of the studios, and you will receive 4 assignments from us consecutively over two days (about 4 hours for 1 assignment). During this time, we will invite each of you for a 20 minute interview. The assignments are created using traditional analogue techniques on paper. Bring your drawing tools (pencils, markers, paints, black liner to outline your sketches, … )

How to prepare for admission exams?

The most important advice is: Try different things. Do you draw characters and do they look too much alike? Try drawing the environment for a change. Do you model 3D environments in a sci-fi style? Try making it look like a cartoon. Where do you get inspiration from? Follow different art styles, both contemporary and period. Do you know what pop art looks like? What was German Expressionism in film? Read short stories by H.P. Lovecraft, play a quirky video game. Literature, film, games, art… all have many styles and will give you plenty of inspiration.

To get you started, here’s a short inspiration for you to read, watch and play:

How to create the homework?

Every year we assign a new homework topic, or so-called mandatory assignment. Interpret this topic as you wish. We don’t only look at the artistic quality, we also look at your approach to the topic and how you work with it. Usually these are multi-faceted topics that can be approached in a variety of ways.

You can choose from several art forms to embrace the theme. Choose one and develop it according to the given form and extent:

You can also add a short annotation (about 100 words) in a text document to your homework, explaining what you did, why and how.

How to make videointroduction?

Make a short video about yourself and your motivation to study digital arts. Who you are and what you like to do, why are you interested in art, what you do besides school, who or what inspires you… The video is not scored, but it helps us to get to know you before we see you live in the second round.

The video must be less than 3 minutes. MP4 file format, 1920×1080 resolution maximum.

How to prepare portfolio?

Choose about 10 artworks that represent you. The portfolio should be varied, not monotonous. Feel free to include current work in progress as well as older work. Rather than 10 equally perfect paintings, we want to see that you’re trying other mediums and genres, even if it’s not perfect.

You submit your portfolio in a single PDF file. In this file, each piece is on a separate page (or multiple pages) along with the title and a short annotation of the work. There is at least 1 image (or photo, screenshot, render…) for each work. If the work exists online, put at least a screenshot of it in the portfolio and include a hyperlink.

Pages in the PDF file are landscape oriented (1920x1080px or 297x210mm)

If your portfolio also includes videos or animations, then combine these shorter videos into a single video file and separate them with a few second screen containing title of the work, your name and possibly a short annotation. MP4 file format, 1920×1080 resolution.

If your portfolio also includes computer programs, demos or games, upload these in executable form for Windows or Mac and zip them all together.

How to upload homework, portfolio and videointroduction?

Name all your files as name_surname_content. For example:

Your files can be, of course, of other type and structure. This was just an example.

AFAD will send you access to our online storage after they process your application form. You will upload your files there.

I wasn’t accepted, now what?

Although we would love to have all of you, the capacity of Digital Arts is limited and, sadly, we can’t. It’s perfectly normal not to get accepted into AFAD the first time. Many successful artists will tell you that they have applied to AFAD three times or even more. You are a young person and you are growing every year. Therefore, if one year you don’t succeed in the admissions, it’s not the end of the world. Work on yourself, develop yourself, come to us for consultations and apply again next year.