Zuzana Husárová
Zuzana Husárová is an author and researcher of electronic literature and digital media, also creating experimental and sound poetry, as well as poetic performances. She holds a PhD in literary studies (from ÚSvL SAV), teaches at the Digital Arts program at the Academy of Fine Arts and Design in Bratislava, and also works externally at the Theory of Interactive Media at Masaryk University in Brno.
She is the responsible editor of the gender magazine Glosolália. She has published poetry books liminal, lucent, amoeba, Hyper (bilingual), Hypomnemata, and a poetry book by neural network Liza Gennart. She co-edited two theoretical publications on e-lit and was a Fulbright scholar at the MIT.
Her projects have been exhibited and performed in Paris, London, Berlin, Vienna, Krakow, Boston, and elsewhere. She is also the co-author of the theoretical book The Culture of Neural Networks: Synthetic Literature and Art in (Not Only) the Czech and Slovak Context.